Helping people one flight at a time
Here at FlyHalo, we are dedicated to helping humanity get to a better place. We focus on providing humanitarian aid that ranges from transportation support for our partner organizations to providing funds for programs that directly support humanitarian initiatives. We measure our success based on outcomes that are immediate and Make the World a Better Place.
How do we Make the World a Better Place?
Non emergent patient transport
Compassion flights for military veterans
Airlift of supplies to disaster areas

Compassion Flights

Provide Aid to a Community in Times of Need

Support of Likeminded Organizations
Alternative forms of giving
FlyHalo gratefully accepts cash and non-cash gifts such as stocks, bonds, real estate, life insurance, and testamentary gifts. Please contact us to learn more about how the estate planning team at FlyHalo can supercharge your charitable giving to make it 10x more powerful.
Contact FlyHalo
2090 Dunwoody Club Dr. Suite 106-2, Atlanta, GA, 30350


Pancake breakfast with our friends at Patient Airlift Services